South Coast Repeater and Beacon Group GB3SCS GB3SCF GB3SCC GB3SCX GB3SCK

South Coast Repeater{**} and Beacon Group

We had a visitor.  Click for larger image

For the last Decade SCRBG has run the following beacons

CURRENT STATUS - It has been necessary to permanently lower the beacon mast to a single section of Versatower, as guying the mast is no longer possible.
Coverage will mostly be affected in the SW and NE directions

Microwave Beacons     2.3 to 10GHz beacons are GPS Locked  
GB3SCS 2320.905MHz Bell Hill IO80UU59 Sends Q65-60D + carrier  
GB3SCF 3400.9050000 MHz Bell Hill IO80UU59 Sends JT65C + carrier
GB3SCC 5760.9050068MHz Bell Hill IO80UU59 Send JT4G and carrier
GB3SCX 10368.90500685MHz Bell Hill IO80UU59 Sends JT4G and carrier
GB3SCK 24048.905MHz Bell Hill IO80UU59 Sends JT4G, single CW ident and extended period of carrier
GB3SCQ 47088.905MHz Bell Hill IO80UU59 5MHz OCXO Ref
Video of reception at Cheesfoot Head, 75km
G4JNT/P 70.031MHz Bell Hill IO80UU59 PSK31 Telemetry
Latest Security camera image View from up the mast
Site Telemetry Voltages/current/Temperature

Please Log Reception Reports on

View Pictures of the Site RAL Presentation (PowerPoint - 8Meg) Full Version of the September 2006 RadCom article
(RSGB Members only)
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Links to Microwave sites

** SCRBG built, operated and maintained the two repeaters GB3SC and GB3SZ at their Bournemouth site for 27 years. Both repeaters are now managed by Dorset RAYNET under the technical guidance of Lawrence M0AUY. They are currently being relocated to a prominent site in central Bournemouth and will undergo a program of modernisation.
To support this work and ongoing viability you are strongly recommended to view the new Repeater websites : gb3sc.htm and gb3sz.htm which will provide technical information and details of how to donate towards funding.

Copyright 2005 - 2008 SCRBG. No part of this website may be reproduced without written permission of SCRBG. Updated: 2009/10/21